Handset Controls
2. About the Controls
905 Telephone User’s Guide
503-802-100 (Issue 2 August 1998)
1 Antenna
The antenna is attached to the handset.
2 Handset
The handset display provides information related to the
communications system.
Handset Display
Because of space limitations, the Business Cordless
905 telephone LCD display cannot show the full Caller ID
information provided by the PARTNER ACS system.
a Message icon indicates whether there are messages
b Channel number is indicated by the letter C and two
c Variable data that appears here is dependent upon the
communications system to which the telephone is
connected. For example, the date (as shown in the
illustration), dialed number, or Caller ID can appear here.
d Line status indicates line activity. See the following
section, "Line Status Indicators," for more information.
e Battery icon is only partially displayed when the battery
charge is getting low.
Line Status Indicators. There are five status indicators;
each one corresponds to a specific outside line or
progammable/intercom button. The function of these status
indicators varies, depending on the communications system