E 5
2) Relays configuration
The relays 1 to 3 are independently configurable. Relay 1 and 2 goes into alarm state when the calculated thermal im-
age exceeds the trip point and goes out of alarm when the thermal image falls below the trip point minus hysteresis.
Relay 3 goes into alarm state when the measured current exceeds the nominal configured current and goes out of alarm
when the current falls below the nominal current minus hysteresis.
For each relay, the programmable parameters are:
- The hysteresis,
- The security,
- The activation and de-activation delay.
is set in % of thermal trip point for relay 1 and 2, and in % of the nominal current for relay 3.
parameter allows to choose between the activation or the de-activation of the relay when alarm is
- in
security, relay is switched on when alarm is active, "work" contact is closed on alarm, opened out of alarm,
"rest" contact is opened on alarm, closed out of alarm.
- in
security, relay is switched on when alarm is inactive, "work" contact is opened on alarm, closed out of
alarm, "rest" contact is closed on alarm, opened out of alarm.
The delay value
, configurable from 0 to 30 s, determines the time above which alarm changes its state after event ap-
pearance and disappearance. For each relay, the user can configure an activation delay and a deactivation delay.
Default factory setup is:
- Hysteresis = 2%,
- Positive security,
- Delays = 0 s.