Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Image quality
Uneven focus
Make sure the vessel bottom is clean and free of fingerprints.
Place the vessel in the appropriate vessel holder. Make sure it fits snugly and lies flat.
Make sure you focus sharply on a sample before setting up the autofocus for Multiscan AF.
Make sure you have selected the correct vessel.
Make sure the objective correction collar (if available) is set to the correct vessel thickness.
Difficulty in focusing on a
coverslipped sample
Make sure the coverslip is facing up if using an objective corrected for 1.0 mm.
Make sure the coverslip is facing down if using an objective corrected for 0.17 mm.
If using an objective with a correction collar, make sure the objective correction is set to the
desired vessel thickness and place the coverslipped sample accordingly.
Dim image
Set the iris diaphragm according to the objective and condenser used.
Increase light intensity.
Spots or blurs on image
Clean the objective lens carefully and appropriately.
Make sure the vessel bottom is clean and free of fingerprints.
Black viewing area
Turn on the light on in the CHANNELS panel.
Center the sample over the objective.
Red viewing area, or red
patches on image
Decrease light intensity until the red highlights disappear.
Click to deactivate the Highlight Saturated Pixels button in the toolbar.
The serial port is not initialized.
Restart the system and try
Close the message window. Turn off the instrument. Check whether the cables of PS-1, PS-2
and SIG are properly connected. Reconnect the USB2.0 cable. Restart the computer. Turn on
the instrument. Restart Explorer.
The camera has been
disconnected. Check all cables
and try again.
Close the message window. Turn off the instrument. Check whether the cables of PS-1, PS-2
and SIG are properly connected. Reconnect the USB3.0 cable. Turn on the instrument.
Restart Explorer.