support@ferrari -by-logi
Logi c3 pl c, Rhodes Way, Wat ford, WD24 4 YW, UK
Logi c3 pl c & Logi c3 I nternat i onal Lt d. of Watford UK are t he owners of t he Logi c3 regi st ered
t rademark. Logi c3 own regi stered and unregi stered desi gn ri ghts and copyri ght subsi sti ng i n vari ous
product s wi t hi n i t s range.
FERRARI , t he PRANCI NG HORSE devi ce, al l associ at ed l ogos and di st i nct i ve desi gns are t rademarks
of Ferrari S.p.A. The body desi gns of t he Ferrari cars are protect ed as Ferrari property under desi gn,
t rademark and t rade dress regul at i ons.
Al l ot her t rademarks, copyri ght s and t rade names are regi stered propert i es of t hei r respect i ve
owners. Logi c3 are cont i nual l y updati ng t hei r product s i n t he i nterest of i mprovi ng t he qual i t y and
desi gn. Copyri ght i n t hi s manual i s owned by Logi c3 I nt ernat i onal Lt d. Rhodes Way.