EN - In t r oduc t i on
Thank you for purchasi ng the Ferrari by Logi c3 Scuderi a P20 0 Headphones. As wi th all Ferrari by Logi c3 products i t
has been bui lt to the hi ghest manufacturi ng standards and tested throughout i ts development, to ensure you get the
best possi ble product.
Please read through and fami li ari ze yourself wi th thi s manual before you use the Ferrari by Logi c3 Scuderi a P20 0
Pr oduc t Regi s t r at i on :
For your benefi t, Logi c3 recommends that You regi ster Your Product onli ne to record Your Product seri al number and
date of purchase, as thi s i nformati on wi ll allow us to bett er serve Your needs. Please vi si t
logi c3.com/ regi ster
Compat i bi l i t y
3 but t on r emot e wor ks wi t h:
The remot e i s supported only by i Pod nano (4
/ 5
/ 6
generati on), i Pod classi c (120 GB/ 16 0 GB), i Pod touch
/ 3
/ 4
generat i on) and i Pod shuffle (3rd generat i on), i Phone, i Phone3 / 3GS, 4 / 4S, i Pad / i Pad 2 / new i Pad
Audi o i s supported by all i Pod models.
Requi res software versi on 1.0 .3 for i Pod nano (4th generati on), 2.0 .4 for i Pod classi c (120 GB), and 2.2 or later
for i Pod t ouch (2nd generati on)
1 but t on r emot e wor ks wi t h:
The remot e i s supported by most Blackberry, Wi ndows and Androi d smart phones.
Con t en t s
Check the packagi ng for the i t ems shown below.
Please ret ai n the packi ng materi als, as thi s wi ll provi de the safest way to transport thi s product.
I f any part of the product appears to be damaged, do not attempt to use i t. Please contact Ferrari by Logi c3
support@ferrari -by-logi c3.com
or vi a telephone: +44 (0 ) 19 23 4 71 0 10
To avoi d danger of suffocati on, keep plast i c bags out of the reach of chi ldren.
Scuderi a
P20 0
Carry Case
1&3 button
remote control
Ai rli ne
6 .3mm