M O D E L S 7 5 0 & 7 6 0
L o g a n G r a p h i c P r o d u c t s I n c . , 1 1 0 0 B r o w n S t r e e t , Wa u c o n d a , I L 6 0 0 8 4 To l l F r e e 1 8 0 0 3 3 1 6 2 3 2 w w w. l o g a n g r a p h i c . c o m
Fig. 5
EXAMPLE: Cutting a mat with a 2” border.
NOTE: This method should only be used when cutting multiple numbers of mats that have the
same outside and inside dimensions.
1. Set the Mat Guide to the desired border width. For example for a 2”
border align the front of the Mat Guide at the 2” mark and tighten the Black Knobs.
2. Place the mat to be cut into the machine colored side down with the
Slip Sheet underneath and lower the guide rail.
3. Using a pencil, mark a line along the full length of the mat board using the guide rail as a
Fig. 3
. Turn the mat 1/4 turn to the right before cutting.
4. Install the first guide rail stop onto the guide rail and slide it past the far end of the matboard
but do not tighten it.
5. Install the second guide rail stop onto the guide rail and tighten at the 2” mark on the guide
rail scale.
6. Hook the bevel cutting head onto the guide rail and slide up until the start & stop indicator
lines up with the marked line closest to the top of the machine.
Fig. 4
7. Slide the top guide rail stop towards you until it makes contact against the bevel cutting head
and tighten.
Fig. 5
8. Both guide rail stops are now set to make repeated opposite side cuts on a multiple number
of mats of the same size. To then cut the other sides of the mats, reset the top stop as you
did in step 6. and cut the remaining sides.
Example: Cutting a mat with a 2” border
1. Set the Mat Guide to the 2” mark on the scale and retighten the black knobs.
2. Place the mat to be cut into the machine colored side down with the Slip Sheet
underneath and lower the Guide Rail.
3. Using a pencil, mark a line along the full length of the matboard using the Guide Rail
as a guide.
Fig. 1
. Repeat this for remaining three sides.
4. Using the Straight Cutting Head, align the top scribe line with the top border line
and press down on the handle until the cutting head sits flat on the matboard so the
Nylon Guides hook onto the Guide Rail lip.
Fig. 2
5. Pull the Straight Cutting Head until the bottom scribe line lines up with the bottom
border line. Repeat until all borders are cut.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 1