General Information
*Print Job: , 28.07.01, 15:33
9.5 Disposing/Recycling of Chargeable
Do not dispose of chargeable batteries and batteries with
normal household trash!
As a consumer, you are legally obligated to return chargeable
batteries and batteries. You can return them to the local collection
points in your community or to specialized dealers. The chargeable
batteries and batteries included with the telephone do not contain
contaminants such as lead, cadmium or mercury.
Conventional chargeable batteries and batteries may contain heavy
metals which are marked as shown below:
Pb for lead
Cd for cadmium
Hg for mercury
Pb Cd Hg
How to dispose of your unit:
After this product has provided you with many
years of good service but is now too old, do not
throw it away with normal household trash. Do the
environment a favor and dispose of your unit at a
recycling center which accepts old units and recy-
cles them with a method which will not harm the