Lochinvar Amicus LAHP1202WW Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27


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Flow Switch 

User heat exchanger 

Source heat exchanger 






Содержание Amicus LAHP1202WW

Страница 1: ...EAD AND UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS Read and fully understand all instructions before attempting to operate maintain or install the unit Installation manual_Boost heat pump_July2019 Models LAHP302WW L...

Страница 2: ...Information Regarding the Typeof refrigerant used 11 First AidMeasures 11 3 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS 12 Unit description 12 Frame 12 Refrigerant circuit 12 Compressors 12 Source heat exchanger 12 Use...

Страница 3: ...32 Remote wiring connections optional 33 Factory fitted wiring connections 34 Positioning of the user circuit water inlet sensor BTI 35 Positioningofthedomestichotwatercircuitsensor BTS 36 Refrigerant...

Страница 4: ...ccess 49 Periodical checks 49 Every 6 months 49 End of seasons or unit switchedoff 50 Refrigerant circuit repair 50 8 DECOMMISSIONING 50 Disconnecttheunit 50 Disposal recovery andrecycling 51 RAEE Dir...

Страница 5: ...the unit TheyhavebeenpreparedinaccordancewiththeEuropeanUnionlawsandwiththetechnicalstandardsinforceatthedateofissueofthe instructions The instructions contain all the necessary information to preven...

Страница 6: ...n of power cables ensure correct earthing of all metal parts External to unit Poisoning severe burns Fire due to short circuit or Size cables and mains protection overheating of the supply cable Size...

Страница 7: ...ccordancewithISO3864 2 SafetysymbolscombinedinaccordancewithISO3864 2 BANNED Ablack symbol inside a redcircle witha red diagonalindicates anactionthat should not be performed WARNING Ablackgraphicsymb...

Страница 8: ...nelectrical hazard MOVING PARTS The symbol indicates those moving parts of the unit that could create risk HOT SURFACES The symbol indicates those components with high surface temperature that could c...

Страница 9: ...N Eachunithasaratingplatethatprovideskeyinformationregardingthemachine Theratingplatemaydifferfromtheoneshownbelowastheexampleisforastandardunitwithout accessories Forallelectricalinformation not prov...

Страница 10: ...e refer to the information provided on the compressor data plate Main Ecological Information Regarding the Types of refrigerants Fluids used PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADATION Therefrigerantsuseddecomposeint...

Страница 11: ...ess Prolonged exposure may lead to irregular heartbeat and cause sudden death Higher concentrations may cause asphyxia due to the reduced oxygen contentintheatmosphere Contact with skin Splashesofnebu...

Страница 12: ...ompared to the conventional shell and tube evaporators and increases the efficiency of the refrigerant loads The heat exchangers are factory insulated withflexibleclosecell material and are protected...

Страница 13: ...ce water 2 way modulating valve 4 20 mA 0 10 V V2MO 2 waymodulatingvalveisfactoryinstalledinthehydrauliccircuitatthesourceside tooptimizetheconsumptionofwellwaterasa function ofthetemperatureoftheavai...

Страница 14: ...11 4 128 7 167 1 208 3 267 9 324 8 372 9 353 7 430 4 498 7 Peak current A 32 8 35 4 54 2 68 6 85 8 105 6 125 8 171 6 211 2 251 6 Compressors Circuits n n 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 2 Capaci...

Страница 15: ...r The maximum user outlet water temperaturecannotexceed 78 C higher values may call the action ofsafetydevices which wouldstop theunit Source water temperature Theminimumsourcewateroutlettemperatureis...

Страница 16: ...e can calculate the kW output of an indirect coil using the formulae below 1m2 coil kW rating Specific heat capacity water x flow return temperature differential x flow rate l sec or Kw 4 18 x flow re...

Страница 17: ...and pressure drop correction factors are to be applied directly to the values given for operation without glycol The water flow rate correction factor is calculated in order to maintain the same tempe...

Страница 18: ...63 2 59 8 50 7 86 9 73 57 902 87 1 78 3 72 2 70 7 69 6 64 2 60 8 51 7 87 9 74 58 1202 89 1 80 3 74 2 72 7 71 6 66 2 62 8 53 7 89 9 76 60 1402 91 1 82 3 76 2 74 7 73 6 68 2 64 8 55 7 91 9 78 62 1804 91...

Страница 19: ...jects into moving parts HEALTH AND SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS Theworkplace mustbekeptclean tidyandfreefromobjects thatmaypreventfreemovement Appropriate lightingofthework place shall be provided to allow th...

Страница 20: ...mage during transport The delivered goods are conforming to what shown in the delivery note In Case of Damage List the damage on the delivery note InformtheLochinvar Limitedoftheextentofthedamagewithi...

Страница 21: ...astobeinstalledsuchthatmaintenanceandrepairispossible Thewarrantydoesnotcovercostsforthe provision ofliftingapparatus platformsorotherliftingsystemsrequiredtoperformrepairsduringwarrantyperiod Theinst...

Страница 22: ...0 500 2304 1000 500 800 1000 500 2604 1000 500 800 1000 500 INSTALLATION OF RUBBER VIBRATION DAMPERS KAVG Allunitsshouldbeinstalledonvibrationdampersinordertopreventthetransmissionofvibrationtothesupp...

Страница 23: ...dtoasystemwithMODBUSprotocol Thissystem allowsyou to remotely monitor all parameters of the unit and change their values Theserialinterfaceboardisnormallyfittedatthefactory whereitisprovidedseparately...

Страница 24: ...nger In this case the warranty expires immediately TheactivationofthemodulatingvalveV2MOshowsaselectorusedtovarythetypeofsignalandthesenseof rotationof thevalveitself Tamperingcanunderminethecorrectop...

Страница 25: ...wateroutlettemperature Coolingmode 30 35 Cdrybulbambienttemperature 7 Cwateroutlettemperature CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THEWATER Thesystemistobefilledwithcleanwaterandventedafterafullflushingoperati...

Страница 26: ...orrosion clogging andfreezingif attributable tolackand or incorrect installation of described safety devices The use of groundwater generally requires approval by the municipality and or the province...

Страница 27: ...Page 27 HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS O Flow Switch N User heat exchanger Q Source heat exchanger O Q N...

Страница 28: ...Page 28 TYPICAL INSTALLATION The pump must be installed with the water supply facing the water inlet connection...

Страница 29: ...red checkallconnections for leaks EMPTYING THEINSTALLATION Before emptying place the mains switch in the Off position Make sure the filling group valve is closed Open the drainage valve outside the un...

Страница 30: ...tbeverifiedthatelectricsupplyiscorrespondingtotheunitelectricnominaldata tension phases frequen cy reported on the label in the front panel of the unit Power cable and line protection must be sized ac...

Страница 31: ...between one phase and another cannot exceed 1 according to EN60204 If those tolerances should not be respected please contact ourLochinvar Limited Model 302 402 602 702 902 Power supply V Hz 400 3 50...

Страница 32: ...configuration the unit microprocessor controller switches off the user water pump when the set pointisreached orifthe unitisin standby This strategy issuitableif the unit isheatingabufferstorefromwhi...

Страница 33: ...33 P a g e Remote wiring connections optional...

Страница 34: ...34 P a g e Factory fitted wiring connections...

Страница 35: ...atureatsetpoint TheBTIsensorisalsousedtoactivatethe userwaterpump and to stop it when the user water temperature set point is reached The BTI sensor MUST be positioned in ordertomeasurethe water tempe...

Страница 36: ...36 P a g e POSITIONINGOFTHEDOMESTICHOTWATERCIRCUITSENSOR BTS Correct positioning of the BTS sensor Incorrect positioning of the BTS sensor OK NO...

Страница 37: ...tary water output probe VMAS Source water modulating valve CH Charging plug 1 4 sae r407 VR Check valve CLP Expansion capillary tube VRV Reverse cycle valve EXV Thermostatic valve YL Liquid solenoid v...

Страница 38: ...no refrigerant leakage Check for oil stains sign of a possible leak Checkthattherefrigerantcircuitshowsthecorrectstandingpressureonthepressuregauges ifpresent otherwiseuseexternalones Check that the...

Страница 39: ...t charge checking Afterseveral hours of operation check thatthe sightglass hasagreen colour core ifthe coreis yellow moistureis presentin thecircuit Inthiseventitisnecessaryfordehydrationofthecircuitt...

Страница 40: ...odeallowsthedisplayofthe differenttemperatures 1click Bottomline displaysEIN Userinletwatertemperature 2clicks BottomlinedisplaysEOUT Useroutlet watertemperature 3clicks Bottomlinedisplays ET Ambientt...

Страница 41: ...ater if required Eachtimethisfunctionisactivated thegreenledpositionedjustabovethebuttonwillbe switchedON Ifpresseddownfor5seconds itmakesitpossibletoswitchtheunitonoroffinheatingmode anddomestichot w...

Страница 42: ...epanel usetherubbergasketRGW V optional Forwallmounting usetheV KITplasticadapter asillustrated in thepicture Electricdatacanbeupdatedwithoutnotice Itisthereforenecessarytoalwaysrefertothewiringdiagra...

Страница 43: ...sure highpressureincooling lowpressurein heatingmode Inprogrammingmodeallowstoscrollthroughtheparametercodesorincreases thevalues Ifpresseddownfor5seconds itmakesitpossibletoswitchtheunitonoroffinheat...

Страница 44: ...circuit heaters activated Led blinking Domestic hot water integrative heaters activated Led OFF Integrative heaters not in operation 3 Led ON Refrigerant circuit 1 activated Whenledcir1and ledcir2are...

Страница 45: ...domestic hot water the microprocessor control will activate the unit in heating mode If the unit is required to operate in cooling and domestic hot water mode the microprocessor control will activate...

Страница 46: ...bymode Itissuggestedtoputtheunitinstandbywhenmodifyingsetpoints Iftheunitisnotinstand by the onlyeditable parametersare the onesrelated to the operation modeof the unit e g In heating mode it is onlyp...

Страница 47: ...edone Inthismenuthereisjustthepossibilitytodisplaytheparameters It isnotpossible to change anyvalue Theparameterlistis Display List Symbol Explanation ALrM Alarm List ALrM See following paragraph ALOG...

Страница 48: ...multiple alarmsusethe keys toscrollthroughthe listof theactivealarms There are two types of alarms Resetalarms RSTlabelappearsontheupperpartofthedisplay Inthiscasepressthe key to reset Nonresetalarms...

Страница 49: ...emachineatleast1 5metersawayfrom externalsurfacesinwhichoperatorsand techniciansonlycan operate must beprovided PERIODICAL CHECKS Thestart upoperationsshouldbeperformedincompliancewithallrequirementso...

Страница 50: ...ully in order to prevent malfunctions Therefore Avoidoilreplenishmentwithproductsthataredifferentfromthatspecifiedandthatarepre loadedintothecompressor Intheeventofagasleakageonmachinesusingrefrigeran...

Страница 51: ...the disposalandrecycling ofelectricalandelectronicequipment mustbehandledthrough aspecial collection inappropriate centres separatefromthatused for the disposalof mixedurban waste Theuserhastheobligat...

Страница 52: ...nit ifthealarm appearsagaincontacttheservice AEFL User water flow switch alarm Presenceofairordirtinessintheuser hydraulic system Bleedcarefullytheuserhydraulicsystem or checkandcleanthewaterstrainer...

Страница 53: ...rost time too long Outside temperature outside the working limits Refrigerant charge leakage Check defrost set point Restore normal working conditions Find leakage and repair b1hP High pressure transd...

Страница 54: ...10 DIMENSIONS See individual drawings for further details Dimensional Drawing Amicus LAHP WW Units 302 402 702 902 1202 1402...

Страница 55: ...Dimensional Drawing Amicus LAHP WW Units 1804 2304 2604...

Страница 56: ...NOTES...

Страница 57: ...NOTES...

Страница 58: ......
