If the gateway and/or the Android device are not connected to the Internet during the test, the Online Coverage
test will fail and you will need to perform an Offline Coverage test. In this mode, however, the results of the test
cannot be displayed on the Android device. The security token number (Figure 34) identifies each test. Write down
the token number along with a description of where and under what conditions the test was taken. Check the
results of the coverage test on the gateway web interface (under Network
Signal coverage test map
Download all tests of this network in a .csv format).
Figure 34: Token number generated out of an offline radio coverage test
Step 7: Test results interpretation
The results displayed are listed for each Spreading Factor (SF) (Figures 35 and 36). The SF represents a way of
modulating data. The lower the SF number is, the shorter the message; thus, more messages can be sent on the