Figures 44 and 45: Sensors data tool and settings to download data recorded for a certain period of time
Pulse counter particularities - Engineering Units
There are some particularities related to the pulse counter. This type of signal input implies data to be continuously
stored, in a way that the value recorded when sampling is added up to the previous one. The Piconode therefore,
stores an accumulative value from the moment the node starts taking readings. The maximum number of pulses
that can be recorded until the reset-to-zero point is 2³². Consequently, if the user wishes to start over the data
counting (from zero value), either the node has to be reset via the Dlog app or the engineering units have to be
Steps to reset the node configuration via Dlog app
On setup wizard
Disable channel 3- pulse counter
Enable Channel 1 or Channel 2, or both if already in use. They will have to be reconfigured by choosing the
same settings. The coverage test can be skipped
Enable Channel 3 - pulse counter
Proceed with the usual node configuration, the coverage test can be skipped