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To connect to a 120VAC GFI or AFCI breaker (up to
All connections to the Fault Trapper 40A In-Line Adapter Module are
made using supplied Plug-in Terminal Blocks Connectors, torque
screws to 7in-lbs:
1. Remove the hot and neutral from the breaker and attach them to
the load side of the Fault Trapper 40Amp Adapter Module with
the black wire at “L1” and white neutral at “L2”.
2. Keep the curly pigtail neutral white wire from the GFI/AFCI
breaker connected to the Neutral/GND Bus bar.
3. Connect a black jumper wire from the HOT port of the GFI/AFCI
breaker to the Source Terminal “S1”
4. Connect a white jumper wire from the NEUTRAL port of the GFI/
AFCI breaker to the Source Terminal “S2” and connect the Fault
Trapper meter to the module using the included Banana Plug
Leader Cable.
Tel: (855) 346-3358