L R - 5 2 0 0 - 7 2 R E C E I V E R M A N U A L
1. Automatic Channel Selection
In the Automatic Channel Selection mode the user decides how many channels of audio are to be
received by the unit. In this mode the unit automatically selects the channels that can be used together
simultaneously in a given space. The unit is defaulted to Auto 2. The max number of channels is 8 for 72 MHz.
Auto 1 (Channel E)
Auto 2 (Channels E, A)
Auto 3 (Channels E, A, H)
Auto 4 (Channels E, A, H, I)
Auto 5 (Channels E, A, H, I, J)
Auto 6 (Channels E, A, H, I, J, C)
Auto 7 (Channels 1, 5, 10, 16, 21, 24, 31)
Auto 8 (Channels 1, 5, 10, 16, 21, 24, 31, 35)
The user selects the number of channels by using the following sequence.
Simultaneously press and hold the UP and POWER button for 3 seconds. The unit will display “Auto 2” on
the display. Press the UP/DOWN button for the number of desired channels. Momentarily press the POW-
ER button to save the setting or after 5 seconds of no activity the setting is saved and the unit returns to
normal operation.
Or use the IDSP Software Suite for set up!
2. Manual Channel Selection
In the Manual Channel Selection mode the user decides specifically which channels are to be received by
the unit. It is recommended that adjacent channels be spaced at least 300 KHz apart if being used simulta-
The user selects these channels
by using the following sequence.
1. Auto
Select Mode:
Press and hold
the Power and
Up button
for 3 seconds
2. Scroll Up/Down:
Use the up or
down button to
scroll through
available channels
Auto 2
1. Manual
Select Mode:
Press and hold
the Power and
Down button
for 3 seconds
2. Scroll Up/Down:
Use the up or
down button to
scroll through
available channels
3. Save/Exit:
Press power button
to save and exit.