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Getting Started With The Moku:Go App

Once you have connected your Moku:Go to your computer, you can start using your device with the Moku:Go App.


 Launch the Moku:Go App on your computer.


 Moku:Go devices that are connected to the same network as your computer or connected by USB will show up on 

the “Select your device” page.


 Double click your Moku:Go tile to start using your device. The default name of your Moku:Go is “Moku-######”, 

where "######" is the 6-digit serial number printed on the bottom of the device. 


 On the “Select your instrument” menu, double click an instrument tile to deploy the instrument.


 To discover how to use each instrument, refer to the "Accessing instrument manuals" section below.

Configuring Your Moku:Go To Join An Existing Wireless Network

Factory Resetting Moku:Go

Moku:Go must be plugged in and powered on to perform a Factory Reset. You can return your Moku:Go to its default 
network and configuration settings by pressing the Factory Reset button at the bottom of the device with a paper clip 
or small object for two seconds. The status LED will turn off once the unit reinitialization is completed. You can now 
power cycle your Moku:Go by unplugging and replugging in the magnetic power supply. It will restart in Wireless 
Access Point mode with Ethernet enabled where applicable.

Connecting To Your Moku:Go


Connect your Moku:Go to the 
computer via a USB-C cable.

You can connect to your Moku:Go for the first time via a USB-C cable, its Wireless Access Point, or Ethernet 
where applicable.

Wireless Access Point

On your computer, join the Wi-Fi 
network called “MokuGo-######”, 
where “######” is the 6-digit 
serial number of your Moku:Go 
printed on the bottom of the device. 
The default password is printed 
alongside the serial number, labeled 
as PSK.

Ethernet Cable (M2 only)

Connect your Moku:Go to a router 
via an Ethernet cable. Make sure 
your computer is connected to the 
same network.

You can add your Moku:Go to an existing wireless network following these instructions:


 Follow the above instructions to connect your Moku:Go to the Windows App or the Mac App.


 On the “Select your device” window right click on the tile of your Moku:Go, select “Configure device”. This will 

open the Device settings menu.


 Switch to the “WiFi” tab and tick “Join a WiFi network”. Click the Network dropdown box and select the network to 

connect to. You will be prompted to enter a password for that network if required. 


 Connect your computer to the same WiFi network, the Moku:Go App will search for Moku:Go hardware on the 

same network. 

Accessing Instrument Manuals

Instrument manuals for each instrument are available in the 
Moku App. To access these tutorials, deploy the desired 
instrument and click the main menu button at the top left of the 
screen, then select 

“Help” -> "Manual"

