Before you start using this seat, please read the user manu
al carefully. Improper use may lead to a serious threat to the
life of your child.
1. Function
This safety seat is designed for the I, II and III mass group
(category) that is for children weighing: 9 - 36 kg (aged from
about 9 months to 11 years).
I mass group: 9kg - 18kg
II mass group: 15kg-25kg
III mass group: 22kg-36kg
Children from group I must use the 5-point safety harness
(included with the safety seat). The safety seat itself is
attached to the vehicle’s seat using a 3-point seat belt of the
In case of children from groups II and III (15 - 36 kg) the
5-point safety harness is removed and a child is secured
with a 3-point seat belt of the car.
The seat can only be installed in vehicles equipped with
3-point safety-belts (static or inertia-reel ones), approved to
UN/ECE Regulation No. 16 or other equivalent standards.