Audio Modules
Oscillator Decay:
The Oscillator Decay control is used to set the duration of the
oscillator's decay envelope.
Pitch Modulation Env(elope) Amt (Amount):
The Pitch Modulation Env(elope) Amt
(Amount) control is used to set the degree to which the Drum Synth's
pitch is modulated by the module's internal envelope. Turning the
control in an anti-clockwise direction causes the modulation to start
from below the pitch of the oscillator. Turning the control in a
clockwise direction causes the modulation to start from above the
pitch of the oscillator.
Pitch Modulation Env(elope) Dec(ay):
The Pitch Modulation Env(elope) Dec(ay) control
is used to set the time taken for the pitch of the Drum Synth's
oscillator to move from its initial modulation value to the final
oscillator value. The available range is 0.1 ms to 10 seconds.
Pitch Modulation LFO Type: The Pitch Modulation LFO Type control is used to select the
waveform used by the Drum Synth's internal LFO. Four waveforms
are available: sine, triangle, sawtooth, and sample and hold.
Pitch Modulation LFO Mod(ulation) Amt (Amount): The Pitch Modulation LFO Mod(ulation)
Amt (Amount) control is used to set the degree to which the Drum
Synth's internal LFO modulates the pitch of the Drum Synth's
oscillator. The available range is +- 8 octaves.
Pitch Modulation LFO Mod(ulation) Freq (uency): The Pitch Modulation LFO Mod(ulation)
Freq (uency) control is used to set the degree to which the Drum
Synth's internal LFO modulates the frequency of the Drum Synth's
oscillator. The available range is 0.01 Hz to 4400 Hz.
Noise Cut:
The Noise Cut(off) control is used to set the cutoff frequency of the
Drum Synth's noise oscillators internal filter.
Noise Reso(Resonance): The Noise Reso(nance) control is used to set the amount of
resonance present in the noise oscillator's internal filter.
Noise Delay:
The Noise Delay control is used to set the delay time between the
triggering of the noise oscillator and the start of it playing.
Noise Decay:
The Noise Decay control is used to set the duration of the noise
oscillator's decay envelope.
Noise Attack:
The Noise Attack control is used to set the time taken for the noise
oscillator to reach its full output value once it has been triggered.
Reference Manual 5.0.1