The Mute button silences the output of the selected section.
The Solo button silences all sections other than the ones that are
selected. Note that more than one section can be soloed at a time.
This is useful if you want to listen to particular combinations of
sections in isolation.
The Mixer section also contains controls for ECS (Easy Controller Setup), NSP (Note
Selects Pad), switching between the Pad/Loop view and Send Effects view, and a master
volume control.
The Edit/SndFX button toggles the user interface between the
currently selected section (either one of the Pad sections or one of
the Loop sections) and the Send Effects section. To display the Send
Effects section click the SndFX button. To return to the previous
section click the Edit button.
The ECS (Easy Controller Setup) button switches the RMV into ECS
mode which is used for assigning MIDI controllers to the RMV. Use of
ECS is described in the ECS section of this guide.
The NSP (Note Selects Pad) button configures the RMV so that
when a note is received via MIDI, the instrument automatically
switches to the Pad to which the note is set. This makes editing Kits
or Loops much easier and reduces the likelihood of editing the wrong
Pad by mistake.
Master Volume:
The Master Volume control is used to set the overall output level of
the RMV's Loops and Pads (that is, the main sound generating
components of the instrument). Note that this control does not affect
the output of the RMV's Send Effects.
Reference Manual 5.0.1