Audio Modules
Open Hat/Closed Hat
The Open/Closed (Hi)hat module employs a noise oscillator and a filter to create open and
closed hihat sounds.
Note that a similar algorithm is used for both the Open and Closed (Hi) hat sounds
however the parameter ranges for each control are different in each case. The
Open/Closed Hat Percussion Synthesis module contains the following controls:
Osc(illator) Colour:
The Osc(illator) Colour control is used to set the frequency spectrum
of the oscillator's output.
Osc(illator) Decay (Time): The Osc(illator) Decay (Time) control determines how fast the
oscillator decays after it is triggered. The decay time increases as the
control is turned in a clockwise direction.
Osc(illator) (Decay) Shape: The Osc(illator) (Decay) Shape control is used to set the
shape of the oscillator's decay envelope. The shape of the envelope
segment can range from extreme negative exponential to extreme
positive exponential. At the midpoint the decay envelope shape is
Filter Reso(nance): The Filter Res(onance) control is used to set the amount of filter
resonance. This in turn, emphasizes a specific frequency depending
on the setting of the Osc(illator) Colour control and the Filter
Env(elope) Depth control.
Filter Env(elope) Depth:
The setting of the Filter Env(elope) Depth control determines
Reference Manual 5.0.1