MQTT Server:
This section refers to the IP address that the MQTT Broker is hosted on. For example, a company may have a
computer that runs the MQTT Broker, and all devices that want to connect to that broker needs its IP Address. In this
example, the Brok
er’s IP address is “”.
The port section refers to the port the MQTT Broker is hosted on. This is configurable when setting up the broker, but
by default it is 1883.
Username and Password:
The username and password are optional sections that allows the devices to be password
protected if the MQTT Broker is set to have passwords enabled. This will allow connected devices to be protected from
outsiders attempting to peak in. However, this is optional, and if password protection is not set up, these fields can be left
The topic section allows the user to choose the Topic Name the device will connect to. Topics are channels within
the MQTT server that allows messages to be sent between devices. However, only devices that are connected to those
topics can see the messages within them. When using this section, you can enter an existing topic name to connect the
device to that topic, or enter a new topic name to create a new topic.
Client ID:
The client ID section is what the devic
e’s display name will be when connected to a topic, and this is different
from the device’s username (if any). For instance, the device’s username might be “admin123”, and can be used to log into
the device’s MQTT settings. However, this is not the devices
display name. Its display name might be “Device A”, and that is
what you would see when the device would send a message. Unlike the username and password section, the client ID
section is mandatory.
Network Configuration Page
Access this page from the
dropdown menu. This page allows the configuration of the Ultra's network settings.
: Incorrect settings may cause the board to lose network connectivity. In order to access a device in your network remotely
you must
the device. This tells your router that information coming in should be sent to a specific device on your network.
To enable HTTPS for Ultra Webpages set port # 443. After this config saving every time to get access to the webpage by
typing: https://
MAC Address
This is a unique MAC address that is assigned to this product at time of assembly. It cannot be altered.
Host Name
This is a Netbios name at which this unit may be addressed in some networks. It may also appear in your
router's lease directory. It makes a useful place to name your SERVER and appears on the Home page and on the
Port Number
This becomes part of the IP address and is necessary for Internet access. If this is not set, the SERVER
defaults to a port number of 80. (443 for https)
Enable DHCP
The DHCP is enabled by default. If you need to assign a static IP address to the SERVER, uncheck this box.
IP Address
Typically you only change the last group of numbers. If you change this IP address, make sure to reserve this IP
on your router and no other devices are using this IP address or you may not be able to reach this SERVER. If this happens
you may need to Restore Defaults using the push button method.