Mounting Stage to Microscope
with Dovetail Substage
The following description is for mounting the
stage on to microscopes which have a circular
dovetail substage assembly (1).
Attach the curved stage clamps (part no. 9542) to
the base of the stage using the supplied hex
screws and the outer most holes in the base plate.
Adjust the two positioning screws (2) so that
approximately 5mm of thread is exposed on the
inside edge of the clamp. This will roughly posi-
tion the stage in the centre of the dovetail.
Place the stage onto the dovetail, then focus a
10X objective lens on the aperture of the silver
block. Using the two positioning screws (2)
ensure that the aperture is in the centre of the field
of view and lock the stage in place by tightening
the Locking Thumbscrew (3).
For other types of microscope substage, refer to
the diagram included with the stage adaptor.
Setting up the Condenser
Place a small sample on a cover slip and place
onto the surface of the silver block. Use a 5X or a
10X lens to focus on the sample. Now close
down the microscope field diaphragm and adjust
the condenser focus so that the edges of the dia-
phragm are in focus. Now use the condenser
positioning screws to centre the condenser in your
field of view. Open the diaphragm so that it just
fills the field of view.
For more information about Koehler illumination
see the extremely informative ‘Microscopy Pri-
mer’ on the Molecular Expressions website.
9542 curved clamps set
Linkam Imaging Station
with dovetail substage