Linkcom France
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3. Main menu
After login, the screen will show the following page
The menu item details:
Send FAX
Send Fax, Fax Broadcast, Intranet File Forward
Fax Folders
InBox store the sent and received private or public faxes OutBox show the
sending fax and fax queue events SentBox store your sent fax information
Phone books
Private Phone Book, Public Phone Book for all inner fax server users
User Management, Department Management
My Setting
Send Preferences (the default setting for send option), My Account (user can
modify personal setting)
Server Setting
Network ,Line, Voice, Backup, Delete Rules, Time, Language, Remote Printer
Fax Queue list sending and queuing tasks on server Sent list sent record
Received list received record Distribution (list distribution record)
Transmit list intranet file forward record
Server Status, Ping Test, SMTP Test, Files Delete, Parameters Backup, Update,
Factory Restore, Reboot
Alternatiff , explorer plug-in download, Print Drivers
Logout system