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9.4. Dialrules
Dial string processing rules.( please click “Help” for detail )
9.5. Email2fax
The actual Email can be composed in this way:
1. Attach a TIFF file as the fax body;
2. Send the email with a subject of the following formats:
A. validation code,account,sender,recipient@number
B. validation code,account,sender,recipient1@number1,recipient2@number2,recipient3@number3......
C. ,sender,recipient@number
3. The validation code can be empty if it's not required. The account field is not required, only if you want to
receive a notification by email. And no matter the validation code or the account is present or not, the "," is
Note: The Email Account should be a new Email account for Email2fax only, instead of any other purposes, because
Email2fax function will remove all emails in the inbox, no matter they are suitable for Email2fax or not.