Channel 16 – Emergency
Your ship is sinking, or on fire
Someone has been lost overboard
There exists grave and imminent danger
Channel 22 – U.S. Coast Guard
Use: Working channel for exchange of communications with stations of the U.S.
Coast Guard
Ship to U.S. Coast Guard ship, coast to aircraft stations
Comments: U.S. Coast Guard does not regularly monitor this channel. Establish
contact on channel 16 and shift to channel 22 as directed.
Channel 6 – Inter ship Safety
Use: Communicating navigational and weather warnings to other ship
Communicating with U.S. Coast Guard stations or other vessels during search and
rescue operations
Ship- To- Ship Only
Do not use for routine communications. This is a safety channel
Channel 15 – Environmental
Vessels: any (receive only)
Use: Broadcast of information concerning the environmental conditions in which
vessels operate-weather, sea conditions, time signals, notices to mariner, hazards to
Betw een: One-way broadcast from coast to ship stations
Note: Currently used for Class C EPIRB emergency signals.
Channel 17 – State Control
Vessels: State and local government
Use: Coordination, regulation and control of boating activities and the rendering of
assistance to vessels.
Between: Ship and coast stations associated with state and local governments.
Channels: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 67, 79, 90, (88)
Vessels: Those used primarily for commercial transport of persons or goods, or
engaged in servicing other vessels
Use: Communications pertaining to the purpose for which the vessel is used
Between: Commercial transport vessels (ship- to-ship) or between commercial
transport vessels and limited coast stations
Channels 8, 67 and 88 may not be used for ship-to-coast communications
Recreational boats are not permitted to use these channels
Channel 88 not available on Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.
Non Commercial (Boat Operations)