Link XP L2102/L2104 Receiver Instruction Manual Issue 1 - October 2003 Page 23 of 48
Link Research Ltd. 23/24 Watford Metro Centre, Dwight Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 9XA, England. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 200 900
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www.linkres.co.uk Fax: +44 (0) 1923 241 357
L2102 & L2104 Receiver
Instruction Manual
Using diversity antennas, considerable performance gains can be made in a number of
ways. The classical deployment of diversity antennas requires two antennas to be mounted
11 x ¼
apart. For a transmitter operating at 2.5GHz the theoretical spacing is around
33cm, but good results can be obtained by using spacings varying between 20cm up to 2
metres. If it proves difficult to arrange this, greater spacing can be used with very good
effect. It pays to experiment with different spacings and positions to get the best results.
The performance of the system may vary when a stadium is empty from when it has a full
crowd in it.
Using the example shown in figure xx above, the two antennas would be mounted side-by-
side near the centre line and high up in the stadium structure.
Diversity reception is not just confined to two antennas. By using a Link 2104 receiver, up
to 4 antennas can be used and the receiver will take the best signal to build its output.
This has considerable advantages if the camera is required to track players’ progress from
the dressing room down the tunnel and out onto the pitch. By placing antennas in the
dressing room, half way down the tunnel and in the normal positions for covering the pitch,
excellent results can be achieved.
2.1.3 LinkXP and other Manufacturers’ antennas
The LinkXP wireless camera system will work with antennas of non-Link manufacture, but
as many of these are based on lossy printed circuit elements and thin coaxial cable,
performance may be disappointing.
2.1.4 Mounting antennas
Five general rules should be applied to all antenna installations:
Mount antennae as high as possible. A couple of metres can make a considerable
Figure 29 – Link L3010 with
complimentary directional antenna
mounted on the front