LT360 Precision Turntable
User Manual
LT360 Precision Turntable
User Manual
Error - 7 : RS232 Invalid Return
This error indicates that the LT360 was expecting to produce a return value
for a Get command, but the return value was an empty string. This error will
generally occur if you are writing your own RS-232 program, and there are
bugs in your program. Check the command strings being sent to verify that
they contain valid LT360 commands and/or parameters. Case is not
important, but spaces in the right or wrong places can make a difference.
Error - 8 : USB Unknown Command
This error indicates that the LT360 did not understand the command index
sent via USB. This error is very uncommon. It probably indicates faulty
communication over USB, such as a cable being disconnected or dirty
connections. Possibly some other unusual problem.
Error - 9 : RS232 Command Timeout
This error indicates that the LT360 received some characters, but never
received a termination character [Null(0) or CR(13)] before the 10 second
timeout expired. When the first character is sent to the LT360, a timer is
started. If a termination character is not received within 10 seconds, then
this error is produced and the command buffer is cleared.