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Subject to modifications
User Manual
Operation Instructions
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
B-SSVL- 020b1 0
Fig. 2-1 Example of an SSV L 14
SSVL Progressive Metering Device
Genera l
The progressive metering devices
- are piston-operated metering devices;
- au tomatically (p rogressively) dispense the lubricant fe d
by th e pump to the connecte d lubricatio n points;
- ha ve a lubricant output of 0.2 ccm per outlet an d piston
- can supply dou ble or triple the lu bricant volume by clos-
ing sin gle outlets ext ernally (see below „Combining o f
ou tle ts“);
- are available with 6 to 14 outlets;
- of fer the option of combining several lu brication po ints
to one cen tralized lubrication point.
- meter the supplied lubricant in to prede termined single
qu antities.
- can b e mo nito red visually or electronically
Any blocka ge in a lubrication circuit is in dicated by grease
lea king from the respective pressure relief valve on the
Feature s of a Progressive Me tering Device
The term ”p rogressive” refers to the special feature s of the
lub ricant dist ribution within the met ering d evices, e.g.
- th e successive movements of the individual pistons
within the mete ring device due to the supplied lubrican t
be in g unde r pre ssure;
- th e pistons move in a predetermined order and the cy-
cles a re re peated constantly;
- ea ch piston must have completed its movemen t fully
be fore th e next pist on can be moved, no ma tter whet her
th e lu bricant is dispensed co ntinuously or intermittently;
- th e pistons operate interdependently of one another;
- no lu brication point which is conn ected to the system is
omit ted
Lu bricant o utput p er outlet and per stroke ................. 0.2 ccm
Ma x. operating p ressure ............... ........ ..................... 350 bar
Min. operating pressure ................ ........ ...................... . 20 bar
Ma x. differe ntial pressure betwe en two outlets .......... 100 bar
Outlet conne ction for hose/tube Ø ........ ......... 8 , 10 or 12 mm