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Subject to modifications
User Manual
Operation Instructions
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Operation, continuation
Determining the Lubricant Output by Combining Outlets
Tube Fittings , screw-type
B- SSVL-04 0g10
Fig. 6-1 Install the outlet fittings and c losure plugs in accordance
with the dosage
1-14 - Numbering of outlet bores
1 -
Metering device housing
1.1 - Supply bores of the piston
2 -
Control piston – closure plug
3 -
Rubber-lined sealing washer
4 -
Connecting bars (external combining of lubricant outlets)
4.1 - Connection duct
1 )
5 -
Closure plug (1/4“ thread)
5.1 - Connection duct
1 )
6 -
Outlet tube fitting without screw fitting (GERV)
6.1 - Connection duct
1 )
8 -
Inlet tube fitting (R1/4“ thread)
For combining lubricant outlet volumes
Double outlet volume (0.4 ccm/stroke)
tripl e outlet volume (0.6 ccm/stroke)
P -
Lubricant supply (R1/4“ thread)
60 01a02
A con trol piston’s clo sure screw 2 can b e
removed only in exchange for a p iston
detecto r.
Mount a t any required outlet a common screw fitting
GE8 LR1/4”, GE10LR1 /4“ or GE12LR1/4“ (GERV) with
1/4“ thread (see p os. 9).
Single l ubri cant output
For sin gle lubrica nt amount conn ect the scre w fit ting
(GERV) 9 directly to the mete ring d evice housing 1 (see
Fig. 1-1, outlet 11 and 13).
60 01a02
Due to the functio nal order of its piston s,
progressive me tering devices SSVL6 to 14
will seize if t he ou tle ts positioned directly at
the metering device housin g are clo sed.
Double or triple outputs
For combining lubricant vo lumes exte rnally (do uble or
triple lub rica nt volume) use a connecting bar 4, outlet clo-
sure screw(s) and the outlet tube fitting 6 (incl. integra ted
check valve) and a st raight outlet fitting (1/4“) with the
necessary t ube fitting.
For each con necting bar 4 there can be combined 2 or 3
neighbouring ou tlet bores (1-3-5-7-9-11-1 3 or
2-4-6-8-10-1 2-14) in order to receive the double (L
) or
triple (L
) outlet volume. On t he conne cting bar the p osi-
tions of the closure screw(s) 5 or th e outlet fittings 6 can
be defined freely.
Examp le Fig. 6-1:
Output per o utle t bore 1-1 4 ……... 0.2 ccm/stroke
Co mbining to the dou ble lubrica nt ou tle t volume:
- Ou tle t 1 (in cl. outlet 3) ………….. . L
= 0.4 ccm/stroke
- Ou tle t 11 (incl. outlet 13) ……….. L
= 0. 4 ccm/stroke
Co mbining to the trip le outlet vo lume:
- Ou tle t 7 (in cl. outlet 5 & 9) ……… L
= 0.6 ccm/ stroke
Outlet fittings
Cu stomary screw fitting (GERV) with 1/4 “ thread fo r 10 or
12 mm tube con nection
or hose stud
- for tub e Ø 8 mm ……………………………... 8L stud
- for tub e Ø 10 mm ……………………………... 10L stud
- for tub e Ø 12 mm ……………………………... 12L stud
Part no. see chapter “Spare Parts and Kits“)