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Subject to modifications
User Manual
Operation Instructions
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Safety Instructions
Appropriate Use
Use the SSV L lu bricant meterin g devices only for dispensing
lubricant s in centralized lubricat ion syst ems.
Suita ble Lubricants
The progressive mete ring de vices mo del SSV can be used
for disp ensing
- minera l o ils o f at least 40 mm
/s (cST) or
- grease s up to t he penetration cla ss NLGI 2
- see User Manua l 2. 0-40001
6001 a02
It must neve rtheless be e nsure d that the
oils or greases u sed do n ot alter their co n-
sistency significantly in th e course of time or
under th e in fluence of tempe rature or
pre ssure.
General Safety Instructions
The prog ressive centralized lubricat ion system connected
to t he Quicklub pump mod el 203 mu st always be secured
with a pressure relief valve.
Lincoln SSV L lubricant metering devices are state o f the
Incorrect use may result in bearing damage caused by
poo r or o ve r-lubrication.
Ea ch outlet that will be used must be equipped with a
screw fitting GE8 LR1/4“, GE10LR1 /4“ or
GE12LR1/4“ (GERV).
Due to the functio nal order of its pistons, pro gressive
me tering devices SSVL6 to 14 will seize if th e outlets po-
sitioned d irectly at the metering device housing are close d.
Modifica tions or cha nges to an installed system are not
admissible. Any modification must be subject to prior
consulta tion with the manufactu rer of the lub rication sys-
Use only original Lincoln spare p arts (se e Parts Ca talogue)
or the parts approved b y L incoln.
Regulations for Prevention of Accidents
To pre ven t acciden ts, o bserve a ll city, state an d federal
safe ty regu lation of the country in which the product will be
used .
Avoid the opera tion with
- unap prove d parts.
- insufficient or contaminated lubricants.
101 3A94
Dang er of inju ry in the case of se rious
corrosion of metering device surfaces:
An increasing corrosion of the surfaces will
cause the balls pre ssed in to lose their hold.
Unde r pre ssure, th ey may su ddenly burst
out and cause injuries.
For applications in corrosive environments,
use metering devices in sta inless steel
version only.
Operation, Repair and Maintenance
Repairs should only be performe d by auth orized pe rsonn el
who are familiar with the repair instructions.
In sta ll the metering devices at a suita ble location in ac-
cordance with t he lubrication diagram.
It is recommended that the metering devices be in stalled in
such a wa y that the outlets are no t close to the chassis or
th e attaching plate. This will facilitate troubleshoo ting in the
case the system is b locked.
The main metering devices with indicator pin must be
installed in such a way th at the indicator pin is easily visible.
Use o nly the main and feed lines specified by Lincoln and
ad here to the specified syst em pressures.