Joystick Configuration
This option can be used to change the behavior of the left and right
joystick positions:
"Disable Joystick" = The joystick does not function.
"WFS/Trim" = The left and right joystick positions will adjust Arc
Length Trim, Arc Voltage, Power or STT
Background Current based
on the selected weld mode. For example, when a non-synergic STT
weld mode is selected, the left and right joystick positions will adjust
Background Current. When a Power mode is selected, the left and
right joystick positions will adjust the Power (kW).
"WFS/Job"(memory) = The left and right joystick positions will:
Select a user memory while not welding.
Adjust Trim/Voltage/Power/STT Background Current while
"WFS/Proced. A-B" = The left and right joystick positions will be used
to select procedure A and B, while welding and while not welding. The
left joystick position selects procedure A, the right joystick position
selects procedure B.
In all configurations other than "Disable Joystick", the up and down
joystick positions will adjust the wire feed speed, while welding and while
not welding.
Display Workpoint as Amps
Determines how workpoint is displayed:
"No" (factory default) = The workpoint is displayed in the format
defined in the weld set.
"Yes" = All workpoint values are displayed as an amperage.
This option may not be available on all machines. The power
source must support this functionality, or this option will not appear in the
Sense From Studs
Use this option for diagnostic purposes only. When power is cycled, this
option is automatically reset to False.
"False" (default) = Voltage sensing is automatically determined by the
selected weld mode and other machine settings.
"True" = Voltage sensing is forced to "studs" of the power source.
Electrode Polarity
Used in place of DIP switches for configuration of the work and electrode
sense leads
"Positive" (default) = Most GMAW welding procedures use Electrode
Positive welding.
"Negative" = Most GTAW and some inner shield procedures use
Electrode Negative welding.
Show Test Modes
Uses for calibration and tests.
"No" (factory default) = Turned off;
"Yes" = Allows to selection test modes.
After the device has been restarted the P.99 is "NO".
P.323 System Update
This parameter is active only when the USB Memory Stick (with upgrade
file) is connected to USB socket.
Cancel – goes back to Configuration Parameters menu
Accept – starts updating process