FineLine 300HD Plasma System
BK8053-000107 Rev A.01
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6.1 Routine Maintenance
These tasks should be performed on a monthly basis unless otherwise noted. In
excessively dirty environments or in heavy usage situations, these tasks should be
performed more frequently.
6.1.1 Power Supply
Examine the sheet metal case for dents or other damage and repair as
required. Keep case in good condition to ensure that high voltage parts are
protected and correct internal spacing is maintained. All external sheet metal
screws must be in place to ensure case strength and electrical ground
Remove the covers on the Power Supply.
Using clean, dry, compressed air (30 psi maximum), blow out all accumulated
dust, including dust on PC boards and fans.
Verify the ground and primary three phase A.C. voltage connections are tight.
Verify all PC board connectors are installed securely.
Verify all rear cable connectors are installed securely.
Verify the electrode lead and work ground lead are secure and free from
Verify that all gas hose connectors are tight and that there are no leaks. Only
tighten the fittings enough to make water or gas seals. The fittings are subject
to damage if over tightened.
Check the torch coolant filter cartridge and replace if dirty. Refer to Section 6.2.
Flush the cooling system every six months or after 1,040 hours of operation
(5 days/week X 8 hours/day X 26 weeks = 1,040 hours), whichever comes
first. Replace all coolant and coolant filter cartridge. Refer to Section 6.3.
6.1.2 Automatic Gas Console (AGC)
Verify that all exterior gas hose connectors are tight and that there are no leaks.
Only tighten the gas fittings enough to make a gas seal. The fittings are subject
to damage if over tightened.
Inspect all exterior gas hoses to ensure no damage exists. Immediately replace
any damaged gas hoses.
Remove the cover of the AGC. Using clean, dry, compressed air
(30 psi maximum), blow out all accumulated dust inside the unit.
Verify that all PC board connectors are installed securely, and then replace the
AGC cover.
Once a year, replace the flexible hoses and o-rings inside the AGC. Order
FineLine AGC Maintenance Kit part number BK602615.