BK8053-000107 Rev A.01
FineLine 300HD Plasma System
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3.1.3 Arc Start Console (ASC)
The ASC should be mounted in a convenient location that is away from other
electronic control devices. The high voltage pulse generated inside the unit may
interfere with the operation of sensitive control electronics. The ASC is usually
mounted on the gantry of the cutting machine or on the cutting table. The ASC is
IP23 rated.
Secure the ASC to the mounting surface using four ¼” or M6 bolts. Refer to the
mounting pattern shown in Section 2.8.
3.1.4 Torch
The torch should be installed on the positioner of a height control system capable of
maintaining a cutting arc voltage within a maximum of 1 arc volt. The arc voltage
should be adjustable within a maximum of 1 arc volt increments. The positioner must
be rigid to ensure cut quality and a torch collision sensor is highly recommended.
Refer to the mounting pattern for the Torch Clamp shown in Section 2.9.