The Lincoln Electric Company (Australia) Pty Limited (“Lincoln”) warrants all new
machinery and equipment (“goods”) manufactured by Lincoln against defects in
workmanship and material subject to certain limitations hereinafter provided.
Certain conditions warranties and obligations are implied by law (for example
under the Trade Practices Act 1974) and cannot be excluded or modified (“the
statutory warranties”).
Where the statutory warranties do apply then any express warranties given by
Lincoln (the “express warranties”) are given in addition and without derogation from
the statutory warranties. Apart from the express warranties and (in cases where
they apply by law but not otherwise) the statutory warranties Lincoln gives no
warranties whether express or implied by operation of law or otherwise in respect
of any goods manufactured or supplied by Lincoln or by its authorised distributor.
Any warranty whether express or statutory and the term of any such warranty as
set out herein commences on the date Lincoln or Lincoln’s authorised
distributorship forwards the goods from the premises of Lincoln or Lincoln’s
authorised distributor to the purchaser.
In respect of any claim under the warranty herein provided a purchaser must
furnish Lincoln with written notice of any claim under the warranty within the time
period of the warranty as further specified herein.
The extent of Lincoln’s warranty whether express or statutory is limited to a liability
to repair, replace or pay to the purchaser an amount equal to:
a) The cost of replacing the goods;
b) The cost of obtaining equivalent goods; or
c) The cost of having the goods repaired, whichever remedy in its absolute
discretion Lincoln chooses.
Upon request by Lincoln the purchaser must permit Lincoln to inspect the goods
the subject of any claim under this warranty and Lincoln may at its absolute
discretion repair or replace the goods F.O.B. at its own premises or at such other
premises as Lincoln may designate provided that all freight charges to and from
Lincoln’s premises or such other premises as Lincoln may designate shall be paid
by the purchaser.
Period of Warranty
The period of warranty in respect of goods covered by this warranty shall be as
In respect of manual and semi-automatic and fully automatic wire feeders
and welders (except belted, engine driven welders and alternator sets) - 3
years from the date of commencement of the warranty;
In respect of the Invertec V130-S inverter - 1 year from the date of sale.
In respect of belted, engine driven welders and alternator sets designed for
operating speeds under 2,000 rpm - 3 years from the date of
commencement of the warranty;
In respect of Tractapac mobile rural welders mounted in approved fixtures
- 3 years from the date of commencement of the warranty;
In respect of belted, engine driven welders and alternator sets designed for
operating speeds over 2,000 rpm - 2 years from the date of
commencement of the warranty;
Other goods manufactured by Lincoln including gun and cable assemblies,
undercarriages, field installed options, unattached options, welding
supplies, standard accessory sets and replacement parts -1 year from the
date of commencement of the warranty;
In respect of all alternators irrespective of the manufacturer of those
alternators - 12 months in respect of labour and parts from the date of
commencement of the warranty;
To the extent permitted by law Lincoln shall be entitled to in its absolute
discretion repair all engines and engine accessories however Lincoln shall
not be held responsible for any such repair which shall be the sole
responsibility of the engine manufacturer which provides for warranties for
the period and subject to any limitations provided for by those
manufacturers of the respective engines and engine accessories.
At the date of this warranty the details of those manufacturers warranties are as
Engine Manufacturer
i) Perkins Engines and Accessories
*24 months
*24 months
(The Perkins Distributor Organisation
*Subject to conditions
provides all warranty service (accessories
imposed by Perkins
included) for the Perkins Engines powering
goods manufactured by Lincoln.)
ii) Onan, Lombardini, Kubota &
12 months 12 months
Ruggerini Engines and their
(warranty service can only be carried out by
authorised Lincoln Field Service Shop or
the engine distributors authorised by the
Lincoln branch office)
iii) Intermotor Engines and Accessories
12 months 12 months
(warranty services can only be carried out
by an authorised Lincoln F.S.S. or other
agency approved by the Lincoln branch
iv) Briggs & Stratton Vanguard Engines
*24 months
*24 months
and Accessories
•The Magnetron ignition
(warranty service can only be carried
system is warranted by
out by an authorised Briggs & Stratton
Briggs & Stratton for 5 years.
service dealer).
Subject to the express and statutory warranties hereinbefore provided Lincoln
provides no other warranties in respect of the manufacture or sale of goods and
in particular Lincoln shall have no responsibility or liability in respect of:
a) Repairs done to Lincoln’s goods and undertaken by the purchaser outside
Lincoln’s premises without written authority from Lincoln obtained prior to any
such repair;
Any damage or failure of the goods as a result of normal wear and tear or the
neglect misuse abuse or failure to properly service goods by any purchaser.
The liability of Lincoln is limited as hereinbefore provided and Lincoln shall not be
liable for any incidental special or consequential damage suffered by a purchaser
whether or not arising out of circumstances known or foreseeably known by
Lincoln and in particular arising out of the supply of goods to a purchaser or the
use of goods by a purchaser whether based on breach of contract negligence or
Lincoln supplies certain batteries in connection with its supply of goods and the
purchaser acknowledges that any such battery is warranted by its manufacturer
and any claim in respect of such a battery whether as to a defect in the battery or
as to damage consequential upon a defect in a battery shall be made by the
purchaser to the manufacturer of the battery and the purchaser shall not hold
Lincoln in any way liable for the operation non-operation or malfunction of any
such battery.
Spare Parts Policy
As a manufacturer Lincoln undertakes to support its product with supply of spare parts. Lincoln policy in the case of light to medium duty welding equipment is to provide
full parts support for the period of 10 years from last manufacture. In the case of heavy duty industrial and fully automatic equipment, Lincoln undertakes to provide full parts
support for a period of 15 years from last manufacture date of any model.
Lincoln recognises that it is totally bound by the policy of its suppliers with regard to purchase items, however, the above policy will apply to purchase items and components
and Lincoln practice is to take into its stock appropriate levels of inventory at the time it ceases to buy for current manufacturing to ensure its overall policy is followed. Where
possible, due to common usage or availability, Lincoln will continue to supply beyond the above periods, however, Lincoln will not undertake special manufacture outside
these guidelines unless a customer is willing to accept the appropriate set up charge where tooling has been retained, and the delivery as dictated by manufacturing demand.
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. - Subsidiary companies established in Australia, Canada, Europe, North and South America.
Version 7/99
Reprint 100
The Lincoln Electric Company
(Australia) Pty. Ltd.
A.C.N. 000 040 308
35 Bryant Street, Padstow, Sydney 2211, Australia
(02) 9772-7222
Fax: (02) 9792-1387
Ph: +61 2 9772-7222
Fax: +61 2 9792-1387
In Australia, Lincoln Technical Sales Representatives are located in
Townsville, Mackay, Gladstone, Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong,
Melbourne, Tasmania, Adelaide and Perth. To contact your local Lincoln
Technical Sales Representative, call
1300 728 720
(for the cost of a
local call). Lincoln products are sold primarily through its distributors. Our
Regional Office locations are:
Northern Region: 240 Evans Road, Salisbury, Qld, 4107
(07) 3277-2955
Central Region: 35 Bryant Street, Padstow, NSW, 2211
(02) 9772-7222
Southern Region: 1-3 Grange Road, Cheltenham, Vic, 3192
(03) 9584-9299
Western Region:
25 Barker Street, Belmont, WA, 6104
(08) 9277-8744
New Zealand: 152 St Georges Road, Avondale (Auckland)
(9) 828-5180
Singapore: Blk 219,#02-01 Henderson Road, Singapore