IP Address : IP Fast Dome IP address.
Subnet Mask : Subnet mask of you LAN. Note that the IP Address above and Gateway IP
Address below should be in the same subnet.
DNS IP Address : Domain name server information is to allow IP Fast Dome to contact
external server with mnemonic domain name (e.g. ftp.MERITLILIN.com) instead of
numeric IP address (e.g.
Gateway IP Address : IP Fast Dome traffic to Internet should go through Gateway, if not
setting this, only Intranet (LAN) can be accessed.
HTTP Connection Port : Specify the HTTP web server listen port for client (browser)
connection. Default uses port 80 (HTTP standard port), valid range from 0~65535.
Before changing the listen port, user must add a port directive ":" in browser URL in
order to get correct connection.
(i.e. http://<IP>:<Port> , e.g. to access IP Fast Dome
with IP and port with 8000).
These features enable user to use IP Fast Dome behind NAT or IP Sharing devices which could
access up to 65536 IP Fast Dome with one IP Address.
The factory default won't change the IP Address and Port setting. Once forgetting the specified
port of your IP Fast Dome, you must use ARP & Ping setting (see Assign IP Address by ARP)
to restore the port setting back to 80.
Click "
" bottom if needed, then IP Fast Dome will automatically store the setting and
reboot system (within 5 seconds to complete boot sequence) to take the setting effective.
Note :
Chapter 9.
Chapter 9-7. Network