Carefully read these instructions and the instructions for the particular lifting accessory being used.
Lifting and transferring patients always present a potential risk. It is essential to thoroughly understand the
contents of these manuals, and that only trained personnel use the equipment.
If you have questions, please contact Liko or your local Liko representative.
Instruction Guide
Multirall 200
Prod. No. 3130001
“Caution!” triangles are used to warn of situations that demand extra care and attention.
Multirall is a versatile new type of overhead lift with
many different applications.
Multirall can easily be moved between different rail
systems, without the need of tools.
Multirall can also be used for room-to-room transfers
of patients between different rail systems and requi-
res no openings over doorways.
Multirall can be used just as a normal overhead lift
with the lift unit mounted directly under the rail (right
A complete range of accessories is available for
Multirall, including different types of slings in a variety
of models and sizes.
Multirall is appropriate for all common lift and transfer
situations; for example, from bed-to-wheelchair, to
and from the floor, for visits to the lavatory and bath,
for gait training, and for horizontal lifts with stretchers.
Multirall can be equipped with scales, for safe and
easy weighing of patients during lifts.
In this document, the person being lifted is referred to as the ”patient” and the person helping is referred to as
the ”caregiver”.