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Likorall 242, 243, 250 • 7EN120115-03
Maximum Load
Different maximum loads may apply to different products on the assembled lift system: lift, sling bar, sling and any
other accessories used. For the assembled lift system, the maximum load is always the lowest maximum load
rating for any of the components. For example, a Likorall which is approved for 200 kg (440 lbs) can be equipped
with a sling bar which is approved for 300 kg (660 lbs). In this case, the maximum load of 200 kg (440 lbs) applies
to the assembled lift system. Study the markings on the lift and lifting accessories or contact your Liko/Hill-Rom
representative if you have any questions.
SlingBar Mini 220
Prod. no. 3156005
Max. load 205 kg (450 lbs)
Universal SlingBar 350 with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156084
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156074*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Universal SlingBar 450 with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156085
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156075*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Universal SlingBar 600 with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156086
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156076*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Universal SlingBar 670 Twin with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156087
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156077*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Universal SideBars 450
Prod. no. 3156079
including bag
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Sling Cross-bar 450 with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156022
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156021*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Sling Cross-bar 670 with Quick-release Hook™
Prod. no. 3156019
Fixed connection, prod. no. 3156018*
Max. load 300 kg (660 lbs)
Sling bars with fixed connection can be equipped with Quick-release Hook
Recommended Lifting Accessories
Using lifting accessories other than those approved can entail a risk.
The Liko assortment contains many sling bars, slings, stretchers, scales and other accessories to solve most lifting
needs. Below is a list of lifting accessories suitable for Likorall.
To select suitable slings and other lifting accessories, please see the “Lifting accessories” brochure. For additional
guidance in selecting a sling, study the instruction guide for the respective sling models. Here you will also find
guidance for combining Liko’s sling bars with Liko’s slings.
Contact yourLiko/Hill-Rom representative or visit www.liko.com for advice and information on Liko’s product range.
Quick-Release Hook
Liko’s Quick-release Hooks are a system for quick change of lifting accessories
on Liko’s mobile and stationary lifts equipped with the Q-link. The Quick-release
Hook can be installed on lifting accessories with a fixed connection.
The Quick-release Hook Universal fits the Universal SlingBar 350, 450 and 600
(prod. no. 3156074 - 3156076). Quick-release Hook TDM fits the SlingBar Mini
220 (prod. no. 3156005), Sling Cross-bar 450 and 670 (prod. no. 3156021 and
3156018) and Universal TwinBar 670 (prod. no. 3156077).
See the “Guide to Liko’s Quick-release Hook System”, which can be downloaded
from our website www.liko.com, or contact Liko/Hill-Rom for more information
about the advantages and uses of the Quick-release Hook system.
Quick-Release Hook
Prod. No. 3156508
Quick-Release Hook
Prod. No. 3156502