Remove the backplate and cable clamp
To gain access to the wiring terminals on
the Electric Switch, you must first
remove the backplate. This can be done
by loosening the two screws sited at the
base of the unit using a suitable
screwdriver. Once the screws are
loosened enough so that they protrude
from their screw holes, gently lift the
backplate away from the main unit and
slide it down. Once the hooks are free
from their mountings, the backplate
should slide free.
Once the backplate has been removed, the
cable clamp needs to be unscrewed ready
to accommodate the wires. There are also
two capped holes situated at the base of
the unit. One of these (or two depending
on the number of cables used) needs to
have its cap removed using a suitable
blade so that the wires can pass through.