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Laser rangefinder
Product manual
Zero calibration
a: Zero datum offset (-10.00m to +10.00m)
- Adjusts the point from which measurements are taken
The point from which distance measurements are taken can be adjusted using menu item <a>. The range of values that can be
entered are from -10.00 meters to +10.00 meters. This zero point adjustment can be used to compensate for the mounting position
of the SF02/F in the final system, where distance readings may best be interpreted from a suitable point on the system rather than
from the front face of the SF02/F.
Figure 15 :: Compensating for the height of the landing gear
Data smoothing
b: Smooth output (ON or OFF) - Switches on a filter to smooth the distance readings
Data smoothing can be selected by menu item <b> to be either ON or OFF. The distance always updates at 32 readings per second,
however, the filter will provide a smoother result on uneven surfaces as well as remove the occasional “out of range” signals if they
are present.
Figure 16 :: Data smoothing
SF02/F Laser Rangefinder - Product Manual - Revision 10
© LightWare Optoelectronics (Pty) Ltd, 2016