Faulty Isssue 8: the PAN/TILT direction out of step, no position correct, bad synchronization
Check if the PAN/TILT sensor are covered with too much dust , clean it water-free alcohol.
Check if the PAN/TILT sensor are damaged. when POWER ON, manually move the Pan/ Tiltbut
no reset, it means the PAN/TILT sensor are damaged, then replace the new ones.
The wrong distance between the PAN/TILT senor and sensor data reading wheel, the sensor
data reading wheel should be in the middle position, and no scrape, no collide, no rub.
For outdoor use, check if there is water appears on the sensor data reading wheel, which would
cause PAN/TILT issue.
Check if the cable of PAN/TILT motors are loose and bad contact.
Check if the PAN/TILT belt is too tight, aging or loose, adjust or replace the belt.
When PAN/TILT position is deviate from original, please enter into Display board MENU, and the
adjust steps are as followings: SERVICE—Adjust—Pan or Tilt, adjust it , Exit it.