4.1.3 M ode switch (3)
Use this mode switch to switch between
single-step mode
and continuous mode
and back to
single-step mode.
For safety reasons,
single-step mode
is always selected first each time the main
switch on the Liftkar PT is switched on. In this mode the lifting frame and support
wheels come to a halt in a neutral position b etween the main wheels after each
complete step cycle has b een completed. The next step cycle is started b y pressing
the UP/DOWN switch (4.2) again.
Operators should not switch over to continuous mode unless they are in com plete
control of the stairclimb er and the stairs are easy to negotiate. In this mode the
UP/DOWN switch does not need to b e pressed for each step.
4.1.4 LED display (4)
The LED display gives a clear indication of the status of the Liftkar:
Green (not flashing):
normal and in single-step mode.
Flashing green:
Warning! Continuous mode is switched on. Otherwise normal.
Red (not flashing):
The Liftkar PT is at too flat an angle to the rear or leaning too far
forward. If the angle is not upright enough the angle sensor blocks operation of the
climbing mechanism. Pressing one of the UP/DOWN switches causes the LED to
display red. If the transport angle is too steep the sensor switches off the climbing
function and the LED displays red as long as the UP/DOWN switch is pressed.
Flashing red:
the stairclimber is overloaded and the electronic overload protection
stops the Liftkar PT.
(The LED flashes until you let go of the UP/DOWN switch.
Pressing the UP/DOWN switch again allows you to continue up or down).
Alternating red and green:
the battery pack is running low and urgently needs to be
recharged. The stairclimber will certainly manage another flight of stairs, but it is
recommended that you move down stairs and either change the battery pack or
recharge it with the quick charger supplied. In addition, an integrated beeper provides
an acoustic signal to indicate that the battery charge is low. The beep frequency
increases the lower the battery level.
4.1.5 Beeper function for correct transport angle
The stairclimber must be switched off to activate this function.
Press the main switch (1) for approx. 30 seconds. A short acoustic beep signal
indicates that the function is now active. Repeat the procedure to deactivate this
While the beeper function is active an acoustic signal is given as soon as the
stairclimber is no longer in the ideal stairclimbing angle.