RA Series, RD Series Rackmount Installation Manual
RA Series
In the RA Series, ethernet functionality is limited to pow-
er reset, bus voltage presence, and fault notification only .
Accurate voltage measurement, current measurement,
etc are not available in AC systems .
Power Reset
— To reset frozen IP cameras or other
devices, use the "Control Output" selection on the home
page of the NL2 Home screen . Setting Control Output
1 to "On" will break power between the transformer #1
in the system and the output zones, using transformer
1 . Setting Control Output 2 to "On" will break power be-
tween transformer #2 (for dual transformer systems)
and the output zones using transformer 2 .
Bus Voltage Detection
— Voltage presence is shown in the
ADC1 and ADC2 readings on the Home screen of the NL2 .
The labeling of these fields will vary, depending on the set-
tings on the Configure Page . The voltages shown in these
fields are not accurate measurements and only show the
presence of voltage . An approximate reading may be deter-
mined by multiplying the shown voltage by 0 .71 .
Fault Notification
— Fault conditions will be announced
via the Event Input of the NL2 . This can be seen visually
on the NL2 Home Screen and by email notification, if
used .
RD Series
The RD Series has full Netlink NL4 functionality . See the
NL4 network communication module manual for informa-
tion on using and configuring the NL4 .
Features available with the NL4 in an RD product include
monitoring and email reporting of voltage, battery sta-
tus, AC and System Fault status and other parameters .
Additionally, a periodic status report can be emailed .
2 .5 Remote Access via Ethernet
RA and RD Series power supplies with model numbers end-
ing in "N" may be accessed over the internet or local intranet
via the ethernet port on the back of the enclosure (Figure
6) . Functionality varies by model type . This section only
gives basic information . See the included Netlink manual
for more information .
Figure 6 - Ethernet Network Connection