Workout Guidelines and Tips
There are a few really common and simple concepts that can be followed everyday to
improve health and maximize your workouts. Eat right, drink lots of water, get enough sleep,
and exercise a minimum of 2 times a week. Make sure while choosing foods that the total
consumed has fewer calories than is burning in a given day. In order to adjust the bodies
metabolism and stimulate it, eat a combination of lean proteins (Fish, Poultry, lentils) and
healthy carbohydrates (whole meal bread, brown rice, whole grain cereals) every few hours
throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels. The best results
occur when meals are split in to six small meals a day. In three hours if hunger sets in, the food
portion sizes are correct. If hunger sets in sooner, then increase food portion. If in four or five
hours, hunger has not set in, portions are too big. It is recommended that other avenues of
research be investigated regarding proper nutrition and meal plans.
Exercising benefits
· Prevent Heart disease
· Alleviate any form of depression
· Improve your quality of sleep
· Better Immunity
· Relieve against tension headaches
· lose weight
· Reduce high blood pressure
· reduce anxiety
· Reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes · reducing cholesterol levels
· Reduce the risk of injury from falling
· Increase your recovery from activity
· Manage stress better
· Reduce the risk of developing cancer
· Reduce back discomfort
mprove your quality of life
· Use fat as a fuel more efficiently
· Improve physical appearance
· Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
· Improve your mental alertness
· Increased energy
· Improve your athletic performance
Set positive reinforcing goals
An important aspect to accomplish a successful fitness result is to set positive achievable goals
that will help to motivate and channel positive beliefs to stream line a healthier and happier
self. Make sure that the goals set are visible and can be reviewed to reinforce the workout.
GOAL 1:________________________________________________________________________________
GOAL 2:________________________________________________________________________________
GOAL 3:________________________________________________________________________________