Adjusting the Speaker Volume
The Volume button on the front of the panel controls the volume of announcements from the speaker
and the volume during a 2-way talk session. Simply press the volume button to increase the volume. Each
time the volume button is pressed, it increases the speaker volume one level. Levels are announced as
numbers 1 through 8, with 1 being the lowest volume and 8 being the highest.
If you press your personal help button or the panel CALL button, the volume automatically changes to the highest level.
Using the LifeCall 7000 Check-in Feature
The Check-In feature allows a friend, relative, or other caregiver to access your panel from an outside
phone line. They can then listen in and monitor for sounds or have a conversation with you by
communicating through the panel.
The following procedures assume that your panel is set to a factory default.
To set the Check-In feature:
1. Call your panel location. Let the phone ring once and hang up.
2. Wait 10 to 40 seconds and call your panel location again.
• The panel answers after the first ring.
3. Enter your Master Access Code and follow the remote phone commands listed in Table 3.
Remote Phone Commands
The commands listed in Table 1 can be used to set all medication and activity check reminders to HOME
or AWAY. If you press 5 while testing Voice Event Notification, refer to the additional remote phone
commands listed in Table 2.
Table 1: Remote Phone Commands
On the phone, press...
Panel Function
Set Medication and Activity Check
Reminders to Away.
Set Medication and Activity Check
Reminders to Home.
Establishes a two-way session. Refer
to Table 1 for additional commands.
Check panel status.