Sensor protection
Use the following guidelines for right usage of the solar shield.
It works best in a location with a steady breeze. Mount away from fences, buildings, trees, or other obstructions.
Do not install over or near sprinklers. It is not designed to protect the sensor from water sprayed upwards.
If attaching to a building, the preferred location is the north side in the northern hemisphere and the south side in the
southern hemisphere.
The effectiveness of the solar shield will be reduced if the surfaces of the shield become dirty. Wipe the surfaces of the
shield using a damp cloth to remove dirt, debris, etc.
Keep areas between the solar shield plates free of debris that may obstruct air flow e.g., leaves, twigs, webs, nests. Do not
remove nesting insects or animals by spraying insect killer of any kind into the solar shield because this may damage the
sensors and the solar shield.
Never use the solar shield in a different way than recommended. Sensors placed inside can be damaged due to a bad installation
and warranty will be void.