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3.9.3 Charging control
The PM6658 IC provides support circuitry for charging Li-ion batteries, utilizing as many as four MSM-
enabled charging techniques: trickle, constant current, constant voltage, and pulse. Battery voltage,
external supply voltage, and total detected current measurements are available to the MSM device
through the analog multiplexer. This allows the MSM device to monitor charging parameters, make
decisions, and control the charging process.
Charging of a severely depleted battery begins with trickle charging, a mode that limits the current and
avoids pulling VDD down. Once a minimum battery voltage is established using trickle charging,
constant current charging is enabled via the MSM device to charge the battery quickly - this mode is
sometimes called fast charging. Once the Li-ion battery approaches its target voltage (through
constant current charging), the charge is completed using either constant voltage or pulse charging.
Further discussions of all charging modes are provided in the sections identified within.
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