Installation Manual
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©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Figure 45: Removing the Bottom Cover.
Figure 46: Removing the Bottom Cover,
Alternate View.
To access the indoor unit piping port connections, and
to make the indoor unit installation procedure easier,
it is recommended that the bottom cover be removed
Unsnap the bottom cover at its top left and right
sides (Location 1).
Unsnap each of the three (3) or four (4) small
C-hooks located in the middle of the bottom cover
(Location 2). Number of C-hooks present depends
on model of indoor unit.
3. Lift the three (3) to four (4) hinges on the bottom
cover up and out of the channels molded to the
left, right, and middle of the indoor unit (Location
3). Number of hinges present depends on model
of indoor unit.
4. Set aside the bottom cover to re-install after all
procedures are complete.
Removing the Indoor Unit Bottom Cover (SJ/SK Frame)
Wall Mounted Indoor Units
SJ/SK Frame
Preparing for Piping / Electrical Connections
Unsnap the piping / drain hose holder (L-bracket) out from the indoor unit chassis. Prop it open between the indoor unit chassis and
installation plate to separate the bottom of the indoor unit from the wall. This will allow for more working space.
Piping / Drain Hose Holder
Figure 47: Propping Open the Piping / Drain Hose Holder (L-bracket).
Figure 48: L-bracket Closed.
Figure 49: L-bracket Open.
Appearances may vary depending on Indoor Unit Model.