Chef recipe guide
1. Rice/Pasta
- Weight Limit : 0.1~0.3 kg
- Food Temp.: Room
- Utensil : Microwaveable-safe bowl
(Deep glass pot)
Ingredients for rice
100 g
200 g
300 g
30 g
40 g
50 g
50 g
75 g
100 g
Chicken stock or water
250 ml
500 ml
750 ml
Bouquet garni and salt
To taste
Add rice and melted butter in a deep and large bowl(3 L) and mix well.
Pour boiling chicken stock or water and add bouquet garni and salt. Cover
and vent with wrap.
Place the bowl in the oven. Choose the menu and weight, press start.
After cooking, stir and stand covered for 5~10 minutes if needed.
Ingredients for pasta
100 g
200 g
300 g
400 ml
800 ml
1200 ml
To taste
Place pasta and boiling water with salt in a deep and large bowl(3 L).
Place the bowl in the oven. Choose the menu and weight, press start.
After cooking, stand for 1~2 minutes. Rinse pasta with cold water.
2. Baked potatoes
Weight Limit : 0.2~1.0 kg
- Food Temp.: Room
Choose medium sized potatoes (200~220 g per each).
Wash and dry potatoes. Pierce potatoes several times with fork.
Place food on the glass tray. Choose the menu and weight, press start.
After cooking, stand covered with foil for 10 minutes
3. Stuffed zucchini
- Food Temp.: Room
- Utensil : Heatproof glass dish
4 round zucchini (courgettes) of 200 g per each \ 500 g ground beef
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Cut tops off zucchini to form hats and seed them, taking care not to
pierce flesh or skin. Stuff zucchinis with ground beef and replace hat.
Place stuffed zucchini on a heatproof glass dish and drizzle with olive oil.
Choose the menu and weight, press start.
4. Gratin dauphinois
- Food Temp.: Room
- Utensil : 20x20 cm Baking dish
1kg potatoes \ 1 clove garlic \ 20 g butter
300g cream \ 100 g grated cheese
Nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste
Peel and wash potatoes then cut into 5mm slices. Rub inside of a dish
with garlic clove and butter.
Place half of potatoes in baking dish and season. Fill with remaining
potatoes and season then pour cream and cheese over the top.
Place baking dish in the oven. Choose the menu and weight, press start.