1.The
followingshould
bealways
observedfor
safety
•Please
reportto
ortake
consentby
thesupply
authoritybefore
connectingto
thesystem.
•Be
sureto
read"THE
SAFETY"before
installingthe
airconditioner
.
•Be
sureto
observethe
cautionsspecified
hereas
theyinclude
importantitems
relatedto
safety.
•The
indicationsand
meaningsare
asfollows.
•After
readingthis
manual,be
sureto
keepit
togetherwith
theowner's
manualin
anaccessible
place.
Couldlead
todeath,
seriousinjury
,etc.
Do
no
tin
sta
lli
ty
ou
rs
elf
(c
us
to
me
r).
Per
fo
rm
th
ein
sta
lla
tio
ns
ecu
rel
yr
efe
rri
ng
to
th
e
in
sta
lla
tio
nm
an
ual
.
In
sta
llt
he
un
it
sec
ure
ly
in
ap
lac
ew
hic
hc
an
bea
rt
he
wei
gh
to
ft
he
un
it.
Per
fo
rm
ele
ctr
ica
lw
ork
acc
ord
in
gt
ot
he
in
sta
lla
tio
n
man
ual
an
db
es
ure
to
use
an
exc
lu
siv
ec
irc
uit
.
Att
ach
th
ee
lec
tri
cal
par
tc
ove
rt
ot
he
in
do
or
un
it
an
d
th
es
erv
ice
pan
elt
ot
he
ou
td
oo
ru
nit
sec
ure
ly.
Be
su
re
to
use
th
ep
art
pro
vid
ed
or
sp
eci
fie
dp
art
sf
or
th
ein
sta
lla
tio
nw
ork
.
Checkthat
therefrigerant
gasdo
notleak
after
installationis
completed.
Per
fo
rm
th
ed
rai
nag
e/p
ip
in
gw
ork
sec
ure
ly
acc
ord
in
gt
ot
he
in
sta
lla
tio
nm
an
ual
.
Use
th
es
pec
ifi
ed
wir
es
to
co
nn
ect
th
ein
do
or
an
dt
he
ou
td
oo
ru
nit
ss
ecu
rel
ya
nd
att
ach
th
ew
ire
sf
irm
ly
to
th
et
erm
in
alb
oar
dc
on
nec
tin
gs
ect
io
ns
so
th
es
tre
ss
of
th
ew
ire
sis
no
ta
pp
lie
dt
ot
he
sec
tio
ns.
•In
com
ple
te
ins
tal
lat
ion
cou
ld
cau
se
inj
ury
due
to
fire
,e
lec
tric
sho
ck,
the
uni
tfa
llin
go
ra
lea
kag
eo
fw
ate
r.C
ons
ult
the
dea
ler
fro
mw
hom
you
pur
cha
sed
the
uni
to
rs
pec
ial
ins
tal
ler
.
•I
nco
mp
le
te
in
sta
lla
tio
nc
ou
ld
ca
use
ap
ers
on
al
in
ju
ry
du
et
o
fire,electric
shock,the
unitfalling
ora
leakageof
water.
•When
installedin
aninsuf
ficientstrong
place,the
unitcould
fall
causinginjured.
•Incomplete
connectingand
fixingcould
causefire.
•If
th
ec
ap
aci
ty
of
th
ep
ow
er
cir
cu
it
is
in
su
ffic
ie
nt
or
th
ere
is
incompleteelectrical
work,it
couldresult
ina
fireor
anelectric
sho
ck.
•The
useof
defectiveparts
couldcause
aninjury
orleakage
of
wat
er
due
to
afi
re,
ele
ctr
ic
sho
ck,
the
uni
tfa
llin
g,e
tc.
•I
ft
he
re
is
ad
efe
ct
in
th
ed
ra
in
ag
e/p
ip
in
gw
ork
,w
ate
r
coulddrop
fromthe
unitand
householdgoods
couldbe
wetand
damaged.
Do
no
tin
sta
llt
he
un
it
in
ap
lac
ew
her
ea
n
in
fla
mm
ab
le
gas
lea
ks.
•If
gas
lea
ks
and
acc
um
ula
tes
in
the
are
as
urr
oun
din
gt
he
uni
t,
it
cou
ld
cau
se
an
exp
los
ion
.
•If
theelectrical
partcover
ifthe
indoorunit
and/orthe
service
pan
eli
ft
he
out
doo
ru
nit
are
not
atta
che
ds
ecu
rel
y,i
tc
oul
dr
esu
lt
in
afi
re
or
ele
ctr
ic
sho
ck
due
to
dus
t,w
ate
r,e
tc.
Co
uld
le
ad
to
ser
io
us
in
ju
ry
in
pa
rtic
ula
re
nvi
ron
me
nts
wh
en
op
era
ted
in
co
rre
ctly
.