Indicator and projector state
Check the indicator to know about the state of projector.
State of projector
Is in power-off state (AC power cord not inserted).
Is in standby state. Press POWER to power on
the projector.
Is in normal working state.
Is ready to be in standby mode or the projection
lamp is being cooled. Before you power on the
projector, you should wait till the lamp is cool
enough and the power indicator flashes.
Is in suspension state.
Internal temperature too high. can’t be powered
on. When the projector is cool enough, the
temperature is restored to the normal value
and the power indicator is illuminated red, you
can then power on the projector (The indicator
Warning Temp keeps on flashing).
When the projector is cool enough, the
temperature is restored to the normal value and
the power indicator is illuminated red, you can
then power on the projector, At the time, the
indicator Warning Temp stops flashing.
Can’t b e powered on because error is detected.
You should unplug the power cord. Then insert it
again and power on the projector. If the projector
is powered off again, you should cut off the power
and contact the local distributor or repair center.
In this case, stop the projector. Otherwise, electric
shock or fire may occur.
The service life of the lamp is over. You should
replace it with a new one in time.
Lens is moving and being adjusted.
Focus being adjusted.
• • • green.
• • • red
• • • blue
• • • yellow
• • • off
• • • blinks green.
• • • blinks red.
* When the projector lamp reaches its endurance, the indicator light will be yellow and you need to
replace the lamp.