5. Trouble Shooting
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Leak detection methods
The following leak detection methods are deemed acceptable for systems containing
flammable refrigerants. Electronic leak detectors shall be used to detect flammable
refrigerants, but the sensitivity may not be adequate, or may need re-calibration.
(Detection equipment shall be calibrated in a refrigerant-free area.)
Ensure that the detector is not a potential source of ignition and is suitable for
the refrigerant used. Leak detection equipment shall be set at a percentage of
the LFL of the refrigerant and shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed and
the appropriate percentage of gas (25 % maximum) is confirmed. Leak detection
fluids are suitable for use with most refrigerants but the use of detergents
containing chlorine shall be avoided as the chlorine may react with the
refrigerant and corrode the copper pipe-work. If a leak is suspected, all naked
flames shall be removed/extinguished. If a leakage of refrigerant is found which
requires brazing, all of the refrigerant shall be recovered from the system, or
isolated (by means of shut off valves) in a part of the system remote from the
leak. Oxygen free nitrogen (OFN) shall then be purged through the system both
before and during the brazing process.
Removal and evacuation
When breaking into the refrigerant circuit to make repairs – or for any other
purpose - conventional procedures shall be used. However, it is important that
best practice is followed since flammability is a consideration. The following
procedure shall be adhered to:
- Remove refrigerant
- Purge the circuit with inert gas
- Evacuate
- Purge again with inert gas
- Open the circuit by cutting or brazing.
The refrigerant charge shall be recovered into the correct recovery cylinders.
The system shall be “flushed” with OFN to render the unit safe. This process
may need to be repeated several times. Compressed air or oxygen shall not be
used for this task. Flushing shall be achieved by breaking the vacuum in the
system with OFN and continuing to fill until the working pressure is achieved,
then venting to atmosphere, and finally pulling down to a vacuum. This process
shall be repeated until no refrigerant is within the system. When the final OFN
charge is used, the system shall be vented down to atmospheric pressure to
enable work to take place. This operation is absolutely vital if brazing operations
on the pipe-work are to take place. Ensure that the outlet for the vacuum pump
is not close to any ignition sources and there is ventilation available.