Reviewer’s Guide: Lexmark T420d
Support for Overlays
An overlay is a template that can be defined and printed before the current job is
printed. Typical examples of overlays include company logos or letterheads,
decorative borders, and simulated "preprinted" forms (invoices, statements, etc.).
Overlays can include text, graphics or images.
Overlay support is
another feature that
allows company’s to
cut costs by
eliminating their
stock of
pre-printed forms.
Overlays can
contain both text
and graphics.
defined overlay files
are downloaded to
the printer.
Printer Speed Tests
Two aspects of printer performance relate to speed: sustained output measured
in ppm, and TTFP measured in seconds.
Sustained print speed
The T420d rates at 22 ppm (at five percent page coverage). This is the first tome
that Lexmark has broken the $800 barrier for performance exceeding 20 ppm.
The competing hp LaserJet 2200 rates at 19 ppm. As you saw in the earlier
comparison chart, the Lexmark employs a 200MHz processor, whereas the hp
LaserJet 2200 uses a 133MHz processor.