Detailed Color Samples are pages similar to the default pages of color samples accessible from the Quality menu
using the control panel. The default color samples available using this method have an increment value of 10% for
red, green, and blue. If the user finds a value on this page that is close, but would like to scan more colors in a nearby
area, the user can use the Detailed Color Samples to select the desired color values and a more specific increment.
This provides a way to print multiple pages of colored boxes that surround a specific color of interest.
There are nine conversion tables available with the following three options:
Print—Prints the default pages
Detailed—Lets you enter individual red, green, and blue values and a specific increment of color
Reset—Lets you clear the existing information and enter new values
The process can be duplicated for Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), and Black (K) color conversion tables, too.
Collectively, these values are known as CMYK color. The default increment is 10% for Black and 20% each for Cyan,
Magenta, and Yellow.
Color quality guide
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